Saturday, August 28, 2010

[Beta] 1.3.4 Release

1- First Time enabling pushing stock from Checkout Server side using API
2- Enable or disable manual stock sync
3- Added option to choose what type of the Magento Installation it is (Online store side or CheckoutApp server side), which decides which sync mechanism to use (only stock sync with API is compatible with this so far)
4- Cron Job stock sync is now compatible with Fetch and Push (depending on server type setting in point “3”)


  1. Hey Youngi,

    You are fantastic ! You are doing what I was searching for months !!!

    Have a nice day,

    Belgian Regards!


  2. do you have any installation guide for this?

  3. Hello from Canada!

    I am looking to extract data from the CheckoutApp database directly. How did you connect to the database (what port, username, password)?

    I've tried 5505 and 5432 with my chosen username/password (when creating a store), but with no luck.



  4. username: admin
    password: admin
    port: 5505

    That is the case that the server is hosted by a Checkout installation.
    If you are running "Checkout Server" on a dedicated machine it is a little more complicated, answer back if that is the case.

  5. Good day, thanks for the great blog. I have a similar problem, trying to connect with any SQL Postgre manager to view db. Installed Checkout app on Mac, installed NaviCat lite to work with the Postgre. Trying to connect - no luck. u/p admin/adminm host: localhost, port: 5505. It always tells me Auth has failed. I would really appreciate any help. Thanks.

  6. i'm trying to modify/delete an invoice in the checkout database ...

    is it possible with navicat for example ?
    the schema of the database seems rather complex .

    what do you think?

  7. Can someone please help me install this? how do i go about it? running magento via MAMP...

    Thanks in advance
