Monday, May 2, 2011

Support different taxing settings

Trying to implement the different settings of taxes one might need for his store.
What do you need?
If you are using Checkout, what is your tax settings in Checkout App for products and customers?
If you are using Magento, what is your tax settings in Magento for products and customers?

screen shots can help so much.


  1. Hey there Youngi, I'm wondering if you have some suggestion about what records needs to be inserted into the Checkout postgre database when you want to add an inventory item.

    I can connect to the checkout database and download items, but I also want to "ADD" items to it, but I'm not completely sure as to where do I need to add item information, besides the "item" table.

    Nice blog you have going on here !
    Cheers, Agustin.

  2. hello Agustin,

    Please drop me an email on youngilaboungi [at] gmail [dot] com
